Tell me about your North Star...What are you hoping to move towards?
What are you hoping to move away from? I work with individuals, couples and families who are looking to create a change in their lives. Perhaps you’re seeking therapy in response to a time of transition or challenge you’re up against, or are wanting to move towards healing a past or current wound. Maybe you’re wanting to move away from self-criticism and towards self-compassion.
Would you like to work together on moving closer to your preferences for your life, your relationships, your ways of thinking, feeling & being? What do you want more and less of for yourself and your relationships? I’m interested in exploring your values & preferences, your responses to struggles & challenges you have been up against. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to schedule an initial 15-minute conversation for us to begin to get to know each other.
Megan Wilcox (she/her)